In August 2009, Eric and his wife Barbie connected with 6 other people to start a new church in Joliet. Beginning in January 2010, this group began to meet weekly to prepare for the launch of this new, Gospel-centered church. God continued to awaken passion in people to see Him work in many lives in Joliet and more people continued to add to the original 8.
In June 2010, while meeting as a launch team and preparing for the launch in September of that year, we needed to purchase a mobile church where we could meet. The lowest price we could get was $52,000. This financial need was made known to 40 people. We asked for 9 weeks of pledges to make that $52,000, but God had different plans. Instead of waiting for 9 weeks, $82,000 was given by the very next week.
Through much fasting and prayer, we launched on Sunday, September 12, 2010. Every week we held a mobile church in Lynn Thigpen Elementary School in Joliet, where we set up and tore down each Sunday. God continued to move, and the church continued to grow.

In the summer of 2015, God provided the old Cub Foods grocery store which we purchased for the amazingly low price of $550,000.
In order to get the building, we needed to raise $250,000 in one month, above normal giving. This felt impossible, but it was not impossible for our awesome God. Through much prayer and fasting, God provided more than that $250,000.

We moved into our new building in August 2015, and held our first official service on September 13, 2015.

God has worked mightily in Mosaic Community Church, and we are excited to see how He will continue to work in us, and through us to bless Joliet and beyond in great ways.